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17 de setembro de 2021

Modeladores - Feelingirldress

 Olá PinkBelezetes!!!

Hoje trago dica de loja...

Today I bring a store tip...

To choose the ideal styler the most important thing is to try it out and make sure it fits perfectly. The right model is one that models without squeezing. Choose the piece based on the body you have today and not the one you want to have. A light compression of the belly and back is advisable.

The modeling belt has been used for many years in order to delineate the silhouette.

wholesale waist trainers with logo, styling bodice to enhance the waist and lap. The styling bodices cover the entire torso, are beautiful and comfortable. It is ideal for enhancing the waist.

They are not only amazing and special pieces, the modelers are powerful lingerie items, capable of thinner waist, abdomen, firm breasts and hips, defined legs and back, among other benefits.

There are no rules or obligations to adopt one of these pieces, but it is important to know that modeling lingerie is an ally that can help us feel more secure, powerful and comfortable inside that wonderful dress, with tight jeans or any occasion.

The bodysuit is the most complete piece you'll find, it can be like a swimsuit or a jumpsuit with legs to the knees. It may or may not have a bulge and rim, in addition to having varied necklines on the back. Reducing the abdomen, shaping the breasts, making the back more even and enhancing the curves are some of its benefits. The styling body has the advantage of creating a more harmonious look, providing a feeling of security and firmness.

The body replaces other styling pieces, creating a well-shaped base for any type of clothing, from the tightest to the fluid and lightweight. Like the t-shirt, it can also be used as a normal bodysuit in place of a top or blouse.

Versatile, the strap can be worn with any type of clothing as it doesn't prevent you from wearing your favorite bra and panties. On a day-to-day basis or at a party, it will make your silhouette firm and slimmer, whether with tight, waisted blouses or dresses.

best body shaper that hide the belly, straps that thin the waist and help with body posture.

16 de junho de 2021

Cinta Modeladora - FeelinGirl

 Olá PinkBelezetes!!!

Today I bring more store tips...

Unsurprisingly, it's difficult to lose weight, but a strap helps shape where it bothers you the most, because the measures immediately reduce when placed on the body due to the compression of the mesh that works in conjunction with the flexible stainless steel rods, which automatically act as springs adjusting the body's natural curves.

Wear a best waist trainer styling strap to slim the waist can be an interesting strategy to wear a tight outfit, without having to worry about your belly.

 The use of the abdominal brace is especially indicated in case of surgery on the spine or abdominal organs because it will help to heal the cuts in the skin and muscles and prevent the opening of the internal points.

The brace is also particularly indicated after plastic surgery, such as a tummy tuck or liposuction, because it will help contain the swelling and fluid retention common in the post-operative period.

After surgery, the brace can even be used for sleeping, and it should be removed only to take a shower, but it should only be used for the time determined by the doctor.

In addition, the use of a brace can also be a good option to increase the well-being of the obese person who is in the process of losing weight. But to feel really good with the new body, it may be recommended to perform plastic surgery to remove excess skin after the person reaches the ideal weight.

The modeling belt, which shapes, molds, reveals curves, adjusts, refines and has been leaving women sculpted in beautiful waists with daily use, is an article that we can say is very old, or rather, medieval, and that has never been dispensed with by the most beautiful female bodies that have ever tried this accessory, and crossing continuous generations and shaping women's waist size without going out of fashion best plus size shapewear.

The Modeling Belt Helps Your Posture: From the very first day of use, the Modeling Belt inhibits the curvature of the spine because it acts on compression and your body is elegantly erect, whether you are sitting, standing, walking or running. At the end of the day, the feeling of disposition is evident in the beneficially elegant new posture.

 The modeling belt transforms your body into a “guitar shape”: It is every woman's dream to lose fat located in the waist, and look in the mirror and notice curves in her body taking on the shape that resembles a guitar.

 o With the passage of time of use, the body assumed the new shape disposed with the compression of the mesh and, for some models, it comes with flexible stainless steel fins.

 the strap that reduces measures must be used with discipline in order to seek the natural shape of your body that you like best.Check out the Waist 

12 de março de 2021

FeelinGirl - Cintas

Olá PinkBelezetes!!!!

Today I bring more store tips...

Taking care of health is an attitude that must be taken, daily, to avoid diseases and, of course, to maintain a more balanced life.

Among the cares and habits that are essential to take good care of your body and soul are regular physical exercises.

As technology progressed, many areas have achieved products that deliver truly incredible results.

Modelers can be used during any type of activity such as walking, cycling, relaxing at home or even doing work in the yard.Waist and thigh trainer, butt compression, hips and lower belly is designed to burn excess fat in the lower belly, lifting the butt and improving the hip area at the same time.

Quick and easy to put on and take off. In addition profile can be worn under or over clothes as needed. Use your fitness kit when cycling, running, using the elliptical in the sauna, rowing, training and more exercise.

The female waist shaper allows you to sweat more and speed up fat burning when you use it for training. At the same time, the material of the polyester fabric is more durable and elastic.tummy control underwear, with these shaping braces, which will leave your waist, abdomen, the way you always wanted.

Perfect for women who lose weight every day, it can be worn under clothes and dresses.Perfect for women who lose weight every day, it can be worn under clothes and dresses. Various styles for people who want to lose belly, thin fat.

Its initial purpose, seen from the first use, is the disguise of abdominal measurements, that is, from the moment you start using it, through the compression it does on your body, you can already notice the slimmer waist.

Buy without leaving home, and check out the best straps at a very affordable price FeelinGirl Review 

The vast majority of people who seek to know how the modeling belt works look for a gain in aesthetics, but as we can see, the gains go much further.

Helping body posture brings incalculable gains to the human body. This fact is so relevant that it is not uncommon to see in the gym people using the strap to assist in bodybuilding exercises.

9 de setembro de 2020

Feelingirldress - Modeladores

Olá PinkBelezetes!!!

Hoje trago mais dica...
Today I bring more tips...

Um dos itens femininos que voltou com tudo e logo virou febre entre as blogueiras, principalmente entre as musas fitness, é a cinta modeladora.

Já no mercado há anos para ajudar em pós operatórios, ela também é capaz de afinar a cintura e modelar o corpo.

One of the feminine items that came back with everything and soon became a fever among bloggers, especially among fitness muses, is the modeling belt.

Already on the market for years to help in post-operative, she is also able to narrow the waist and shape the body.

Existem muitos tipos de cintas modeladoras no mercado em uma série de formatos, podendo ser confeccionadas em diferentes materiais, como poliéster e nylon.

 Por isso, é fundamental saber escolher um produto que se adapte bem ao seu corpo e permita ajustes. 

Cheap waist trainer there are many types of modeling straps on the market in a number of formats, which can be made in different materials, such as polyester and nylon.

Therefore, it is essential to know how to choose a product that adapts well to your body and allows adjustments.

Modeladores corporais por atacado que escondem a barriguinha, cintas que afinam a cintura e ajudam na postura corporal.

Wholesale body shapers that hide the tummy, straps that narrow the waist and help with body posture.

Dicas e cuidados:

A cinta modeladora funciona, mas antes de adquirir a sua, confira algumas dicas para fazer uma boa escolha e obter todos os seus benefícios.

Compre no tamanho correto para não causar danos e incômodos;

Escolha uma cinta de de marcas conhecidas, tecido de qualidade e respirável;

Opte por modelos de caimento discreto, que não sejam visíveis debaixo da roupa;

Escolha um modelo fácil de vestir, que não saia do lugar e não impeça os seus movimentos ou a sua respiração;

Não vista a cinta por mais de 8 horas seguidas, para não comprometer a musculatura da região ou causar problemas de circulação.

Tips and care:
The modeling belt works, but before purchasing yours, check out some tips to make a good choice and get all its benefits.

Buy in the correct size so as not to cause damage and inconvenience;

Choose a strap from well-known brands, quality and breathable fabric;

Opt for discrete trim models that are not visible under clothing;

Choose an easy-to-wear model that won't move or hinder your movement or breathing;

Do not wear the brace for more than 8 hours in a row, to avoid compromising the muscles of the region or causing circulation problems.

Na loja online tem centenas de modelos e os melhores preços, escolha Feelingirldress agora.

In the online store Feelingirldress has hundreds of models and the best prices, Pick Feelingirldress Now.

22 de abril de 2020


Today I bring a tip for women...

Modeling straps are a fundamental part to assist in the recovery of plastic surgery and childbirth after surgery.

Body shapers are excellent chubby and chubby options that want to have a defined body quickly.Modelers help with appearance, self-esteem and the body itself.

Which woman does not like a defined body? For those who don't have much time to go to the gym, wearing braces can make a difference, both in your look and your self-esteem.

These models hide the belly, the straps narrow the waist and help body posture.

the best shapewear shorts are also gaining space in the daily lives of women, helping in modeling and reducing measures.

In the fashionistas' wardrobe, leggings have been gaining space over the years.

Most women feel uncomfortable when they are overweight or when a tighter outfit does not suit them, making them extra fat here and there. As important as it is to like yourself and accept the body as it is, there is always something that we would like to disguise at one time or another. Whether out of necessity or vanity, the modeling belt can help in this matter.

It is usually recommended after childbirth or plastic surgery. However, the product gained different models that can be used on a daily basis, as an aesthetic accessory, reducing measures or even to help burn fat faster during physical exercises at the gym.

The trousers are suitable for the most diverse body types and tastes and help to compose a modern look both for day to day and for more formal occasions.

better leggings for women does not mark the waist is a very important point for women, who seek a more correct posture and, at the same time, more comfort and confidence when it comes to training.

Tips and care
The modeling belt works, but before purchasing yours, check out some tips to make a good choice and get all its benefits.

Buy in the correct size so as not to cause damage and inconvenience;
Choose a belt of brands displayed, quality fabric and breathable;
Opt for discrete care models that are not visible under clothing;
Choose an easy-to-wear model that does not move or hinder your movements or breathing;
Do not visualize a brace for more than 8 hours in a row, to avoid compromising the musculature of the region or causing circulation problems.

Discover the best way to buy online, at FeelinGirl online store you will find all types of modelers to make you look beautiful and with a shaped waist.

The brand's products shape, beautify and do good for the woman's health, improving self-esteem, contributing to the vitality of the body by activating circulation and correcting posture and allowing the transition without limiting movement.

24 de setembro de 2019

Loverbeauty - Cintas Modeladoras

Olá PinkBelezura!!!

Hoje trago mais dica de loja...

 Quem hoje em dia não quer ter uma bela cinturinha?

As cintas modeladoras busca esculpir a sua verdadeira beleza e trazer o conforto e confiança que você precisa, seja na academia ou no seu dia a dia.

Who doesn't want a nice little belt these days?

The shaping straps seek to sculpt your true beauty and bring the comfort and confidence you need, whether at the gym or in your daily life.

Shapewear de cintura cincher é para você que procura qualidade em um tecido recomendado pelos especialistas, de alta compressão e anti-alérgico.

Waist cincher shapewear is for you looking for quality in an expertly recommended, high compression and anti-allergic fabric.

As cintas modeladora possuem diferentes tipos de modelos e tecidos, porém o que possuem em comum é que todas comprimem toda a região abdominal.

Modeling belts have different types of models and fabrics, but what they have in common is that they all compress the entire abdominal region.

As cintas voltaram a fazer sucesso entre o público feminino, isso por que elas são vendidas com o objetivo de ajudar a definir as curvas e emagrecer.

The straps are once again a hit with the female audience, which is why they are sold to help define curves and slim down.

É possível encontrar as cintas modeladoras feitas com diferentes tipos de materiais, como cetinete, acetato, acrílico, poliéster e nylon.

 Contudo, independente do material ou tamanho, é essencial que a pessoa se sinta confortável com o uso da cinta.

You can find shaping straps made with different types of materials such as kettle, acetate, acrylic, polyester and nylon.

  However, regardless of material or size, it is essential for the person to be comfortable with wearing the strap.

Bodysuit de shapewear, tamanho grande o ideal é que você experimente a cinta modeladora antes de usar, pois ela precisa estar confortável em seu corpo. 

plus size shapewear bodysuit, you should try on the shaping strap before use as it needs to be comfortable on your body.

Cintas modeladoras é na Loverbeauty.

Diversos modelos para você escolher!!!

Modeling straps is at Loverbeauty.

A variety of models for you to chose!!!