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17 de setembro de 2021

Modeladores - Feelingirldress

 Olá PinkBelezetes!!!

Hoje trago dica de loja...

Today I bring a store tip...

To choose the ideal styler the most important thing is to try it out and make sure it fits perfectly. The right model is one that models without squeezing. Choose the piece based on the body you have today and not the one you want to have. A light compression of the belly and back is advisable.

The modeling belt has been used for many years in order to delineate the silhouette.

wholesale waist trainers with logo, styling bodice to enhance the waist and lap. The styling bodices cover the entire torso, are beautiful and comfortable. It is ideal for enhancing the waist.

They are not only amazing and special pieces, the modelers are powerful lingerie items, capable of thinner waist, abdomen, firm breasts and hips, defined legs and back, among other benefits.

There are no rules or obligations to adopt one of these pieces, but it is important to know that modeling lingerie is an ally that can help us feel more secure, powerful and comfortable inside that wonderful dress, with tight jeans or any occasion.

The bodysuit is the most complete piece you'll find, it can be like a swimsuit or a jumpsuit with legs to the knees. It may or may not have a bulge and rim, in addition to having varied necklines on the back. Reducing the abdomen, shaping the breasts, making the back more even and enhancing the curves are some of its benefits. The styling body has the advantage of creating a more harmonious look, providing a feeling of security and firmness.

The body replaces other styling pieces, creating a well-shaped base for any type of clothing, from the tightest to the fluid and lightweight. Like the t-shirt, it can also be used as a normal bodysuit in place of a top or blouse.

Versatile, the strap can be worn with any type of clothing as it doesn't prevent you from wearing your favorite bra and panties. On a day-to-day basis or at a party, it will make your silhouette firm and slimmer, whether with tight, waisted blouses or dresses.

best body shaper that hide the belly, straps that thin the waist and help with body posture.

9 de setembro de 2020

Feelingirldress - Modeladores

Olá PinkBelezetes!!!

Hoje trago mais dica...
Today I bring more tips...

Um dos itens femininos que voltou com tudo e logo virou febre entre as blogueiras, principalmente entre as musas fitness, é a cinta modeladora.

Já no mercado há anos para ajudar em pós operatórios, ela também é capaz de afinar a cintura e modelar o corpo.

One of the feminine items that came back with everything and soon became a fever among bloggers, especially among fitness muses, is the modeling belt.

Already on the market for years to help in post-operative, she is also able to narrow the waist and shape the body.

Existem muitos tipos de cintas modeladoras no mercado em uma série de formatos, podendo ser confeccionadas em diferentes materiais, como poliéster e nylon.

 Por isso, é fundamental saber escolher um produto que se adapte bem ao seu corpo e permita ajustes. 

Cheap waist trainer there are many types of modeling straps on the market in a number of formats, which can be made in different materials, such as polyester and nylon.

Therefore, it is essential to know how to choose a product that adapts well to your body and allows adjustments.

Modeladores corporais por atacado que escondem a barriguinha, cintas que afinam a cintura e ajudam na postura corporal.

Wholesale body shapers that hide the tummy, straps that narrow the waist and help with body posture.

Dicas e cuidados:

A cinta modeladora funciona, mas antes de adquirir a sua, confira algumas dicas para fazer uma boa escolha e obter todos os seus benefícios.

Compre no tamanho correto para não causar danos e incômodos;

Escolha uma cinta de de marcas conhecidas, tecido de qualidade e respirável;

Opte por modelos de caimento discreto, que não sejam visíveis debaixo da roupa;

Escolha um modelo fácil de vestir, que não saia do lugar e não impeça os seus movimentos ou a sua respiração;

Não vista a cinta por mais de 8 horas seguidas, para não comprometer a musculatura da região ou causar problemas de circulação.

Tips and care:
The modeling belt works, but before purchasing yours, check out some tips to make a good choice and get all its benefits.

Buy in the correct size so as not to cause damage and inconvenience;

Choose a strap from well-known brands, quality and breathable fabric;

Opt for discrete trim models that are not visible under clothing;

Choose an easy-to-wear model that won't move or hinder your movement or breathing;

Do not wear the brace for more than 8 hours in a row, to avoid compromising the muscles of the region or causing circulation problems.

Na loja online tem centenas de modelos e os melhores preços, escolha Feelingirldress agora.

In the online store Feelingirldress has hundreds of models and the best prices, Pick Feelingirldress Now.