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23 de maio de 2023

Barra de Cereal - Kobber

Olá PinkBelezetes!!!

Hoje trago resenha das Barras os recebidos pela Kobber...

As barras de cereais, principalmente as naturais, são ricas em nutrientes, como vitaminas A, C e E. 

  Isso significa que elas são boas para a pele e cabelo, além de serem antioxidantes, deixando o sistema imunológico mais resistente e evitando o surgimento de diversas doenças.

Os Sabores são:

 ➦Bolo de Chocolate 
Torta de Chocolate Zero
Torta de Limão

A Barra de Bolo de Chocolate Classic possui formulação deliciosa e com muito chocolate! Uma ótima alternativa para quem busca preço mais acessível, com qualidade.

A linha Classic cresceu, agora também na versão Zero Açúcar! 

Barra Torta de Chocolate ZERO Classic possui formulação tão deliciosa que você não dirá que não tem açúcar. Uma ótima alternativa para quem busca preço mais acessível, com qualidade.

Com alto teor proteico e valor nutritivo, a barra de proteína é uma aliada para uma alimentação balanceada. Por mais que seja consumido por praticantes de exercícios, também é uma opção prática e rápida para aquele lanche e até uma opção de sobremesa para fugir dos doces cheios de calorias vazias.

Eficaz antes ou depois do treino, uma opção saudável para este lanche e até sobremesa. Estes são alguns dos designs de barras de proteína. São fáceis de levar para qualquer ocasião e podem ser uma excelente fonte de proteína para quem busca praticidade no dia a dia.

Uma alternativa saudável ao lanche, as barras de proteína são ideais para uma refeição prática e saborosa a qualquer hora. Outro ponto positivo é a saciedade, pois a proteína fornece aminoácidos que contribuem para a sensação de saciedade.


Experimentei todas elas e amei, muito bom. Elas são aliadas para quem quer uma alimentação sempre balanceada, quando bate a fome ou vontade de comer doces entre as refeições, as barras são excelentes!!!!

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10 de novembro de 2022


 Olá PinkBelezetes!!!

Do you want to look beautiful in your clothes for the end of the yeas? Check out today's post...

Modelers are a hit with women

Modeling belts, also known as slimming belts, shape the waist region, making it more defined. The female belt still compresses the abdominal region and can be used for up to eight hours a day.

Therefone, this belly strap model reduces measurements and can show results from the first month of use.

You need to have it because it models, reduces the waist and improves posture a lot, relieving back pain.


Black friday bodyshapers a model like this cant's be missing in the women's wadrobe.

These models make your breasts firmer, and you can still wear your favorite bra. 

Currently, there are several models of shaping belts, which allows women to choose the one that feels most comfortable for everyday use.

It leaves everything firm and perfectly shapes the curves.

Can be used for daily use or post-op support. Body shaper buttock lifter very suitable for any ocassion and any season.

Going to the gym is much easier when you look amazing. To do that workout, you can't miss a super comfortable outfit. Tops have the main function of supporting the breasts, so it is important to choose the model according to the physical activity you are going to practice.

Leggins need good stretch to work.Give preference to high-waisted models to avoid discomfort during exercise.

Fitness clothes are important for boosting self-esteem and improving performance during exercise, so they need to be chosen very carefully. 

Bulk sportswear this style of clothing that prioritizes practicality and comfort in the choice of fabrics and models

Want to start a healthier lifestyle? At Waistdear you will find sportswear of all kinds for going to the gym, running outdoors, playing sports, doing yoga, or any other enjoyable activity you desire.

12 de março de 2021

FeelinGirl - Cintas

Olá PinkBelezetes!!!!

Today I bring more store tips...

Taking care of health is an attitude that must be taken, daily, to avoid diseases and, of course, to maintain a more balanced life.

Among the cares and habits that are essential to take good care of your body and soul are regular physical exercises.

As technology progressed, many areas have achieved products that deliver truly incredible results.

Modelers can be used during any type of activity such as walking, cycling, relaxing at home or even doing work in the yard.Waist and thigh trainer, butt compression, hips and lower belly is designed to burn excess fat in the lower belly, lifting the butt and improving the hip area at the same time.

Quick and easy to put on and take off. In addition profile can be worn under or over clothes as needed. Use your fitness kit when cycling, running, using the elliptical in the sauna, rowing, training and more exercise.

The female waist shaper allows you to sweat more and speed up fat burning when you use it for training. At the same time, the material of the polyester fabric is more durable and elastic.tummy control underwear, with these shaping braces, which will leave your waist, abdomen, the way you always wanted.

Perfect for women who lose weight every day, it can be worn under clothes and dresses.Perfect for women who lose weight every day, it can be worn under clothes and dresses. Various styles for people who want to lose belly, thin fat.

Its initial purpose, seen from the first use, is the disguise of abdominal measurements, that is, from the moment you start using it, through the compression it does on your body, you can already notice the slimmer waist.

Buy without leaving home, and check out the best straps at a very affordable price FeelinGirl Review 

The vast majority of people who seek to know how the modeling belt works look for a gain in aesthetics, but as we can see, the gains go much further.

Helping body posture brings incalculable gains to the human body. This fact is so relevant that it is not uncommon to see in the gym people using the strap to assist in bodybuilding exercises.