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Mostrar mensagens com a etiqueta roupamasculina. Mostrar todas as mensagens

14 de outubro de 2021

Soinyou - Moda Masculina

Olá PinkBelezetes!!! 

Today I bring a store tip...

There is nothing more charming than seeing a man dressed in clothes that represent his style well.

The wardrobe is a universe apart in the fashion world, there are pieces and more pieces for all styles, tastes and occasions.Check out tips for young fashion clothing items.

Although many people think it's all the same, there are basic differences between coats and jackets: size is the main thing – coats are usually longer, but there are also differences in the purpose of each piece. Jackets, for example, are shorter and fit the body and usually don't get too hot.

The length of the coat is one of the first characteristics that we must take into account when choosing the ideal garment. And that's where we're going to start. The shorter ones, which go more or less to the waistline, fit well on all bodies, but are especially suitable for short girls.

With the possibility of using more elegant and layered clothes, as well as women's coats, men's coats deserve attention and a lot of care when buying them.

Check options fashion jackets for men, there are several models for more formal occasions, casual or sporty. Secure yours now and happy shopping!!!

21 de janeiro de 2021

Newchic - Loja de Roupa

Olá PinkBelezetes!!!

Hoje trago mais dica de loja...

Today I bring more store tips...

 Mudar é muito bom e que tal começar pelas suas vestimentas? Compre roupas novas para seu guarda roupa sem sair de casa com a loja Newchic.

Moving is very good and how about starting with your clothes? Buy new clothes for your wardrobe without leaving the house with the Newchic store.

Se antes as roupas masculinas se limitavam a peças clássicas e camisas de carga, em tons lisos, hoje, o cenário mudou. O homem moderno conhece seu estilo, sabe do que gosta.

If men's clothes were previously limited to classic pieces and cargo shirts, in plain tones, today, the scenario has changed. The modern man knows his style, knows what he likes.

De manga curta ou manga longa as camisa masculina henley são peças essenciais no guarda-roupas masculino e se destacam por sua versatilidade.

Short-sleeved or long-sleeved henley shirt men are essential pieces in men's wardrobes and stand out for their versatility.

Cardigan longo masculino uma peça bem versátil que faz bastante sucesso na moda masculina. 

The Mens long Cardigan is a very versatile piece that is quite successful in men's fashion.

O moletom xxxxl uma roupa que combina com diversos estilos e ocasiões.

The xxxxl hoodies weatshirt is an outfit that matches different styles and occasions.

Uma peça confortável que não pode faltar são os cobertores com capuz.

A comfortable piece that can not be missing are the blanket hoodies.

Blusão de moletom com técnica de tingimento tie dye, uma trend que voltou com tudo e é ideal para deixar o look mais cool e despojado.

 As famosas elegeram o moletom de pelúcia tie-dye como o look confortável e fashionista do momento e comprovaram que ele veio para ficar.

Sweatshirt jacket with tie dye dyeing technique, a trend that came back with everything and is ideal to make the look cooler and stripped.

  The famous chose the teddy hoodie tie-dye as the comfortable and fashionista look of the moment and proved that it is here to stay.