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Encontre apliques de cabelo com as melhores ofertas e promoções na loja Uniwigs.
Find hair extensions with the best offers and promotions in the Uniwigs store.
Before, there was a certain taboo when it came to using a hair piece to make the locks bigger. Now, however, this accessory is in fashion and there are more and more people putting elongation on their threads.
Whether to make the locks longer or to increase the volume of those who have little hair, the demand for hair extensions has been increasing in recent years.
Confira como usar prenda em extensões de cabelo: Meça o aplique de acordo com a divisão do cabelo, veja se está numa boa altura, se vai ficar certinho quando preso. Comece prendendo os tic tacs do centro do aplique, que vão ficar bem no meio da sua cabeça. Feito isso, prenda os laterais e veja se eles estão bem alinhados, acima das suas orelhas.
Check out how to use a clip in hair extensions: Measure the hair according to the division of the hair, see if it is at a good height, if it will look right when stuck. Start by pinning the tic tacs in the center of the applique, which will be right in the middle of your head. That done, attach the sides and see if they are well aligned, above your ears.
Whether to make the locks longer or to increase the volume of those who have little hair, the demand for hair extensions has been increasing in recent years.
In addition to being very versatile, the hair clip has the advantage of being removable. This means that you can have your hair shorter again whenever you want and then put it back on.
Lindos os modelos, gostei de todos, é sempre bom mudar o visual, bjs.